- May 20, 2014
This site is situated 45308.15N, 14507.11W (Ghana WGS84, UTM Zone 30) and is located near the Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly along the main Sekondi Road.
The Takoradi Hospital, popularly known as the European Hospital, was built and commissioned in 1929 to serve the medical needs of the Europeans who came to the Gold Coast to build the Takoradi Harbour. And since their departure it has served as a public hospital run by the Ghana Health Service.
This site is different from the others. NMS Infrastructure is due to deliver a partial upgrade and re-equipment of this hospital under the 7 district hospital project. The scope of this work is currently under review with the Ministry of Health as part of the preparation of a master plan for the hospital. This master plan will establish a strategy through which the hospital will be completely renovated over this project (Phase 1) and the next (Phase 2).
This hospital has received various refurbishment works since it was commissioned but the hospital has not seen any major renovation. This will now start with the works under this project and continue in Phase 2 of the Ministry of Health’s planned improvement of health care facilities across Ghana.