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- May 20, 2014
Dodowa – Shai-Osudoku District
The site is generally centred on 822080.20E, 652737.00N (Ghana WGS84, UTM Zone 30) within the small capital town of Dodowa, capital of the Dangme West District, a district in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The site sits at the foot of the Akwapim-Togo Ranges, a narrow belt of ridges and hills averaging 1,500 feet (460 m) in height. The ranges lie north-west to north-east of the site.To the north, east and west of the site the area is generally rural with little development (residential or business) seen from the aerial imagery. To the south, a number of residential developments are noted. The area of proposed site has been calculated at 34.80 Acres (14.08 Hectares).